All tagged A Christmas Carol

Binge-Watching Christmas Songs from the Stage and Screen

It’s that time of the year again. For some, it has already started. For others, it will be ushered in with Thanksgiving. It is time to play Christmas music: merrily, joyously, incessantly. Growing up in my home, we had a rule that Christmas carols could not be played until after Santa Claus arrived at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Nowadays, it seems we are pelted with them like soggy snowballs from the minute Tiny Tim climbs on the school bus in September. But who am I to be such a Scrooge when we are so close to Thanksgiving, even the curmudgeonly Theatre Guy’s heart grows a few sizes and he embraces the yuletide when it comes around. With that in mind (and heart), I thought I’d put together a collage of Christmas Caroling clips of songs from movies, television and stage musicals for all of us to celebrate the countdown to December 25th.  It’s guaranteed to put you in the mood for the season.  

Ten Best Christmas Movie, TV and Stage Musical Moments

On this Christmas Eve of 2015, I would like to thank my readers for just a little over a year of supporting and reading my blog. Many of you love musicals as much as I do, and it is nice to have a place where I can write about what I love and interact with people who understand.

As a Merry Christmas, I have assembled my top-ten favorite musical moments from film, television and theatre to help put you in the spirit. No commentary, just the joy of Christmas shared with you. May your days be merry and bright!

Made-for-TV Musicals Since Gypsy – Ranked from the Worst to Best

With the TV-Live adaptation of The Wiz set to “Ease on Down the Road” tonight, I thought it would be fun to go back and look at the Broadway musicals made into TV productions/movies over the last 25 years. Some of them have been terrific and others have had their problems. Still, we always tune in and give them a chance with the hope that we will be delighted and transported by compelling staging, unique interpretations, spot-on casting and, of course, to support such endeavors so that they will continue to be produced. Here are the TV musical adaptations of the last 25 years, ranked from (in this writer’s opinion) from the worst to the best: