All tagged Guilty Pleasure

Guilty Pleasure Thursday - "Our Favorite Son" from The Will Rogers Follies

In a season that boasted such arresting musicals as The Secret GardenMiss Saigon, and Once on this Island, we saw the Tony Award for "Best Musical" go to the bouncy, chirpy, twangy, and, at times, insipid The Will Rogers Follies. The impact, innovation, and depth of the previous three titles are underscored by the more traditional, vaudeville-pastiche of The Will Rogers Follies.Not to worry, though, as there are pleasures to be had in this often predictable Cy Coleman-Betty Comden-Adolph Green score. 

Gulity Pleasure Thursday - "Style" from The Magic Show

A delightful Stephen Schwartz score that people are not as familiar with as they are with Wicked and his other hits, The Magic Show features some poigniant character numbers and inventive melodies. Very few people remember that The Magic Show was one of the longest-running musicals of the 1970s, but it was, in fact, as popular as Stephen Schwartz's other musicals of the period: Godspell and Pippin. So, if the score is respected and the show was a hit, why doesn't anyone produce The Magic Show anymore? Surely this report card would have producers clamoring to revive the piece. The answer is simple: the musical was less of a reason for musical theatre and more a reason to show off the magic tricks of popular magician Doug Henning. Schwartz just happened to concoct some great music for a star vehicle that was almost absent of plot. 

Guilty Pleasure Thursday - "The Time Warp" - The Rocky Horror Show

Before I go into my "Guilty Pleasure" for the week, I first wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading. Additionally, I very much enjoy reading your comments, feedback, and suggestions and would love to receive more. Please let me know what you like, don't like, agree with, disagree with, and most of all share your perceptions on the songs I've chosen to analyze. I do not want to write in a vacuum. We all have a common interest: the Broadway musical and why not have the intellectual and passionate discussions about this unique art form we share? Also...if you like what you are reading (or at least find it informative), please share "The Music That Makes Me Dance" blog with friends and fellow enthusiasts. Again, I thank you for your readership and your help.

"Jubilation T. Cornpone" - Guilty Pleasure Thursday

"Jubilation T. Cornpone" may do nothing to further the plot or to give us a deeper understanding of a character, but you simply cannot hear this song without tapping your toes and getting caught up in the hillbilly hoopla of this guilty pleasure. It's showstopping fun and in the hands of showstopper extraordinaire Stubby Kaye, the number was the highlight of the 1956 musical Li'l Abner.