All tagged Idina Menzel

Julie’s Greenroom – An Earnest Indoctrination in the Performing Arts

Getting kids interested in the performing arts and teaching them the language, traditions, and attitudes of stagecraft is a noble pursuit that builds confidence, demonstates teamwork, and facilitates creativity. Netflix has introduced an original series made in conjunction with The Jim Henson Company that is an earnest indoctrination into the performing arts for young people. Julie’s Greenroom, starring the beloved film and stage actress Julie Andrews, premiered this last week and the result is a sincere and proactive attempt to make the arts accessible and embraceable for everyone. 

Dream Casting Our Favorite Broadway Divas

Last week, I wrote a piece about Broadway divas who showed exemplary acting skills. It got me thinking about some of our greatest living actresses of the musical stage and what classic musical theatre role I would most like to see them tackle next. Playing casting director is always a great deal of fun, and I hope you will chime in with your thoughts as well. For me, this is where I'd like to see some of our favorite leading ladies of the stage try their talents.

Defying Urgency: Waiting for the Film Adaptation of Wicked

This week, musical theatre lovers were greeted with the bittersweet news that the film adaptation of the mega-hit Wicked is going to happen, but we will have to wait until 2019 before they will see their favorite green lady on the big screen. The producers have been talking about the film version of Wicked for years, but they seem to be defying urgency in its path to fruition. Is there a reason why it is taking so long, or are they just waiting for the Broadway production's popularity to peter out?