All tagged It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

Halloween Heartache: The Great Pumpkin… and the Not-So-Great Feelings

As I do every autumn, I recently broke-out by DVD of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown to relive a piece of my childhood and to put myself in the mood for Halloween. They may not be as ever-present today as they were when I was growing up in the late 70s and early 80s, but when it comes to the holidays, the Peanuts gang will forever be associated with the festivities for their mood-invoking half-hour specials. And though I will always register a certain nostalgia when I think about these mainstays of my childhood, I cannot help but question why I find so much undying affection for a handful of awkward cartoon kids who are mercilessly bullied at the hands of their peers.

Some of the Most Spooktacular Halloween TV Specials

It’s Halloween time and nothing gets me quite in the mood for ghouls and goblins like revisiting some of the best of the Halloween specials that aired on television when I was kid (oh so many years ago). Over time, new classics have entered into my yearly rotation. I thought it would be fun to share with my readers some of my favorites, hopefully prompting you to do a little exploring.