All tagged Man of La Mancha

The Best Musical Tony Award Debate: 1966

1966 was an interesting year in Tony Award history. Three of the four nominated Best Musicals, Man of La ManchaMame, and Sweet Charity, ultimately achieved iconic status and could have easily won the category, each for very different reasons. The three aforementioned nominees had some particularly good things going for them, but none of the three were the perfect musical, each falling short in one way or the other. The fourth nominee, Skyscraper, is simply in the running to round out the category, a weak choice in just about every aspect. We know that Man of La Mancha took home the prize, but did it have everything required to deserve a Best Musical win? Was there another title more deserving? Today we take a look at the 1966 Tony Awards and have that discussion.

Celebrating Marin Mazzie

It breaks my heart to be sitting here and writing a remembrance of Marin Mazzie who passed away this last Thursday at the age of 57. Mazzie was a luminescent star of the Broadway musical stage, investing heart and soul into every song that she sang and every role that she embodied. There was something ethereal and magical in her voice, lifting us out of our daily lives and transporting us to somewhere near heaven. 

Stage to Screen: The 10 Worst Adaptations of Musicals

What plays beautifully on the stage might not necessarily translate effortlessly to the screen. Move musicals that have been adapted from popular stage musicals do not always make the transition successfully. For every West Side Story, The King and I, and The Music Man, there is a musical that just didn’t work so well when Hollywood got their hands on it. Here are ten of the worst stage to screen journeys that make us wonder just what happened.

Broadway Lyrics of Hope and Denial

I don't feel like I have much to say this week. The presidential election and the subsequent fear and pain that it has unleashed in the theatre community and beyond is still very raw and palpable. At a time when so much hope seems to be lost, I cannot help but hear the voices of strength that certain showtunes provide. Since the last thing any of you want to hear (or read) are my ravings about the outcome of this surreal and most disheartening election. Instead, just this once, let me simply share some lyrics of hope (and denial) that have been crossing my mind since Tuesday.