All tagged Once on This Island

Broadway Musical Mash-Ups: Combining Two Shows Into One

To start, this article has no intention of being serious. I was just sitting in my car musing about how you could take two Broadway shows and splice them together into one evening of entertainment. This would certainly cut back on my ticket expenditures and double the amount of Broadway musical viewing I can afford each year. So, strap on your sense of humor, get in the mood for corny ridiculousness, and see how I mashed-up Broadway musicals currently running (or set to open) on the Great White Way. 

Broadway, Film, and Television: The Best of 2017

As we wrap up 2017 and say goodbye to a year that made most of us roll our eyes and up our alcohol intake, it is important to take a few minutes to remember some of the good things to come out of the last 365 days. Thank goodness for the world of entertainment, providing both joyous escapism and thought-provoking drama. Here is my list for the best of 2017 in Broadway, film, and television.  

Early 1990s Broadway Nostalgia: When Theatre Was a Different Place

I remember being in college in the early 1990s and bussing into NYC from SUNY Cortland to see Broadway shows. The early 1990s was an exciting time on Broadway. This was just around the time that Times Square started to shift from a place of dilapidated XXX movie houses interspersed with the occasional Broadway show, the classy theatre havens looking glaringly out of place amid the seediness, hustlers and hookers. It was a glorious place.