All tagged The Jungle Book

Disney Remakes: Are They Necessary?

With the great success of the opening of the live-action Beauty and the Beast this weekend, not to mention the remakes of 101 Dalmatians, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Petes Dragon, The Jungle Book, Maleficent (a reworking of Sleeping Beauty), and the planned adaptations of Aladdin, Dumbo, and Mulan on the horizon, it seems as though Disney is really on to something from a box office, financial point of view. Every produced title mentioned has been enormously successful, with a whole new generation of kids falling in love with a different Disney than the one we grew up on. Does, however, this remake phenomenon come at the expense of the beloved, classic Disney films that inspired them?

Broadway Musical Musings: Ten Disney Films That Deserve the Broadway Treatment

In celebration of Disney’s Aladdin celebrating it’s 1,001st performance on Broadway, I thought it might be fun to speculate what other films in the Disney canon might be worth looking at for the stage musical treatment. Here are some ideas I have, admittedly some are longshots or require some major rethinking. Would you want to see any of these reach the stage, or do you have some ideas of your own?