Musical Associations - Songs for "Special" Moments
Have you ever had a showtune play a significant role in an important moment in your life? Odd as it may seem to some, there are certain songs from Broadway musicals that have established themselves as part of the cast recording of my life.
I remember when my parents sat me down at age 15 to tell me that they were getting a divorce. They had told me to pretend like nothing had happened so that I didn't upset my little brother and sister. Holding in tears, I walked into my bedroom and turned the record player on. The original cast recording of Camelot was on the turntable and the title song was playing. I remember singing along with the song (like I normally would), but feeling every emotion of hurt and anger pouring out of me and through this song. To this day, I cannot listen to this (once breezy and bright to me) song without reliving that confusing and horrific moment.
At one of my dearest and oldest friend's wedding, I was asked to pick a Broadway showtune to sing in the ceremony. I had to find the perfect song for an outdoor wedding, set by a waterfall, as I watched my best friend in the world start a new life that would take her away from me. I chose the song "Chanson" from The Baker's Wife. Accompanied with a wooden flute by our high school music teacher, there is a gentle melancholy woven into this lovely song. It matched my feelings perfectly, and I cannot hear it without thinking back on her special day and essentially saying "goodbye."
Matthew James Thomas as Pippin.
Not everything in my world is about the maudlin and the depressing. Showtunes have joyfully accompanied moments in my life as well. When I graduated from high school, I sang "Corner of the Sky" from Pippin with a great deal of joy in my heart at the ceremony. The song (and the graduation) offered so many wonderful possibilities in life, and I have always associated the song with taken risks, facing challenges, and spreading my wings for new adventures.
Finally, there was the first time I had my heart broken. Everyone needs a great showtune to accompany that special moment. I have always been very good at embracing the tragic with full attention, and for some reason, "When There's No One" from the musical Carrie fit the bill for this melodramatic fit. So much catharsis and disemboweling tears came when I listened to that song. An odd choice, I know...but it was just right for that moment. about you? Do you have particular showtunes that you associate with important moments in your life? Please write in and share your stories.